
Back in New York

So we're back in New York for a few days. Monday is the closing on the apartment, after which we shoot down in my wife's car, back to Dallas, back home.

It IS home now, and we miss it. Isn't it funny: only a few days in Dallas, and we're ready to call it home. I've never been so quick to settle in somewhere, but only those few days, and I'm sleeping more regularly, eating better and more, and drinking a lot more water, for some reason.

My wife suffered from headaches a lot in NY (pretty much daily), but they had tapered off and towards the last few days before we came back to NY she was fine, no headaches, all day. I think it's the air down there. Look around and you'll find statistics on the air quality in New York, and it's terrible. Down in Dallas it's fresh and clean, or it seems like it is. I haven't done the research, but I'll bet good money it is.

I'll be back home on Wednesday morning, I hope. I'll post more soon.


We Arrived

We arrived in Dallas on Saturday afternoon around 2:30 pm, which gave us enough time to hit a bank and get a safe-deposit box, which gave us some peace of mind.

The moving truck is late: because of the ice storm and its effects on routes 78, 80, and 81, the driver was considerably delayed and STILL hasn't arrived. He should be here tonight, he'll spend the night, and then tomorrow morning we'll unload it, partly into a self-storage bin, and partly into the apartment. Then we'll be set, more or less.

The movers have been the biggest pain in the ass so far: they came a day late, didn't bring hand-trucks or dollies (we had to run to a hardware store and buy them). They were supposed to be here on Saturday morning, we had lined up a few guys to help us unload, but that fell through. We have to wait until the morning, and see if we can get a few people to help us with this.

But Dallas is beautiful. The weather is in the high 50's F, supposed to be in the 70's on Thursday. There's other things about Dallas that we love, but I'll save that for subsequent posts.


On the road in Virginia.

Dang it

I sent a few pictures to my blogger account, but they didn't post, unfortunately. I will try again, since I still have them on the phone, but now they are no longer timely.

We're in Little Rock, Arkansas, after driving the length of Tennessee.

We'll be in Dallas tomorrow late morning or early afternoon.


Somewhere in Tennessee...

On the road in Virginia.


It's Almost Just Begun

We're selling the apartment here in New York (as referenced within the pictures posted earlier). Unfortunately, the closing was postponed from today until next week, so I'm actually going to have to fly back to NY on Thursday.

But here's the deal: We leave tomorrow, driving down. We're going to shoot for Nashville, Tennessee by the end of the day, and then arrive in Dallas on Friday evening. Thursday we fly back, and then drive the other car down too. So we're going to have to drive the trip twice.

The driver of the truck (we filled a 26 foot truck) will arrive on Saturday morning, and we've got a few guys coming by to help unload. Then, Saturday evening, the Time Warner guy will come by and hook us up with some cable modem action.

Currently I'm stealing wireless bandwidth from someone nearby in the building, it's a pretty good connection when it's up, but sometimes it drops me.

I'll be checking in with more pictures over time. Tomorrow, look for a shot of the Murano that we'll be driving down, and shots of scenery as we fly by in a two-day flurry of travel.


And we are done!


Move in progress.


Robert Anton Wilson

Robert Anton Wilson died on January 11th.

Robert Anton Wilson at Wikipedia


His last blog post, from December 19th:
"Various medical authorities swarm in and out of here predicting I have between two days and two months to live. I think they are guessing. I remain cheerful and unimpressed. I look forward without dogmatic optimism but without dread. I love you all and I deeply implore you to keep the lasagna flying.

Please pardon my levity, I don't see how to take death seriously. It seems absurd.


I think that deep down inside, despite all of his enlightened agnosticism, he still hoped that after death he would be reunited with his beloved Arlen, somehow.

Amal and I once woke up at 5 am on a Saturday so we could get to the city in time, to some school in Harlem or thereabouts, for some New Age festival, just to see him speak. He was in a wheel chair. Afterwards, I had an opportunity to walk up to him as he waited for his van outside the school, and I couldn't, because I didn't want to bother him, or somehow upset him.

I will re-read all of his books, and watch the documentary about him, again, once we unpack in Dallas.

I regret not shaking his hand that day.

"And the phone went dead with a sudden dull click like the last sound Hemmingway heard when he put the gun to his head and said, ah, shit, now, not any other minute but this minute, right now."
- Robert Anton Wilson, "Thirteen Choruses For the Divine Marquis"


So we're moving to Dallas in about 2 to 3 weeks.

This is the nightmare of boxes in the corner. There's more, in the other room, and just out of sight of this picture. It's insane.

I'm going to try to chronicle the move here, using my camera phone. Occasionally you might see just pictures with crap text: don't worry, I'll be back to edit it a little later.
