
It's Almost Just Begun

We're selling the apartment here in New York (as referenced within the pictures posted earlier). Unfortunately, the closing was postponed from today until next week, so I'm actually going to have to fly back to NY on Thursday.

But here's the deal: We leave tomorrow, driving down. We're going to shoot for Nashville, Tennessee by the end of the day, and then arrive in Dallas on Friday evening. Thursday we fly back, and then drive the other car down too. So we're going to have to drive the trip twice.

The driver of the truck (we filled a 26 foot truck) will arrive on Saturday morning, and we've got a few guys coming by to help unload. Then, Saturday evening, the Time Warner guy will come by and hook us up with some cable modem action.

Currently I'm stealing wireless bandwidth from someone nearby in the building, it's a pretty good connection when it's up, but sometimes it drops me.

I'll be checking in with more pictures over time. Tomorrow, look for a shot of the Murano that we'll be driving down, and shots of scenery as we fly by in a two-day flurry of travel.


Shanella said...

I sent this URL to some tech folks (helpdesk) I'll send to some account folks now ... tata!! :)

Shanella said...

suchy and suchy!!! how is your trip? are you gonna take pictures of your trip?